Noyce Scholarship at SMC


The Robert Noyce Scholarship Program at Saint Mary’s is funded by the National Science Foundation. 

  • Goal of the scholarship program: to recruit, 支持, 连接, and sustain equity and justice-oriented teacher candidates in SMC’s STEM Teachers for Justice, 社区, and 领导 (JCL) 4+1 teaching program. 
  • 17 Noyce scholars will be selected over 5 years (2023-2028). 
  • Students can begin as a scholar in junior, 高级, or +1  year and scholarship funding continues through end of the +1 (credential/Master’s in the Art of Teaching) year.
  • Noyce scholar 支持 will include: 
    • 1) Financial 支持 for highly motivated STEM majors to become STEM teachers: scholarship money and iPads
    • 2) Enhanced learning to teach STEM for JCL across curriculum, 领域经验, and communities of practice 与 Mt. Diablo Unified teachers
    • 3) Justice-oriented teacher professional career trajectory 支持
    • 4) 亲爱的 STEM educator community – 与in SMC, 与MDUSD, and 与 national and regional STEM and educational justice professional networks
  • Approach: The Noyce scholar program will foster scholars’ growth along five knowledge bases: STEM content knowledge, Knowledge of self: STEM teacher positionality, Knowledge in solidarity 青年与社区, Humanizing pedagogical knowledge, and Knowledge of educational (in)justice and teachers as change agents.


The 4+1 pathway includes: 

  • a STEM Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) 
  • minor in Justice, 社区, and 领导
  • Single Subject Teacher Education (SSTE) STEM teaching credential, and
  • Master’s in the Art of Teaching

Students may receive one to three years of funding starting in the junior, 高级, or +1 year – at least $10,000 per year in the undergraduate years and approximately $30,000 in the graduate year.

Prospective scholars must be pursuing a BA or BS in a STEM discipline at Saint Mary's College and intend to complete the STEM Teachers for Justice, 社区, and 领导 4+1 pathway.

Scholars will be expected to sign a contract that outlines their obligations upon receipt of the grant, which includes: continuing on the STEM Teachers for JCL pathway, 保持2.75年平均绩点, participation in all activities related to the Noyce scholarship, continuing into the credential program and Master’s degree following completion of their undergraduate degree, and committing to teach for a minimum of two years in a high need public district in CA for each year of scholarship 支持, 与in six years following completion of the SSTE credential.

The application includes background and demographic information as well as an essay of up to 750 words on why the applicant is interested in becoming a middle or high school STEM teacher and becoming a Noyce scholar.

Click here to start your application



Questions: With questions about the scholarship program or application, please do not hesitate to contact Teacher Education faculty, Dr. 玛丽·雷戈萨( or 理学院 faculty, Dr. Vidya Chandrasekaran (

For general questions regarding the 4+1 teaching pathway, please contact KSOE 本科 Pathways Coordinator Shannon Mauldin (


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